Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why haven't I posted??

hello everyone- i just came across this blog this morning and thought- why did i let this go down the toilet? if nothing else it's a fun diary for me. i laughed so hard looking at those old videos of marielle and caleb and it was really quite good laughter therapy for me.

actually, i know why i haven't posted, but it's no excuse. the end of the year was filled with a bit too many changes for my own good but slowly, slowly, slowly we are adapting.

i work in a new position as an intern designer at a local healthcare company in milwaukee and that job is keeping my quite busy aside from school and everything else. i really love the job and i still pinch myself on the days when i get to help design.

where are the rugrats? well, they are growing up way too fast for me but they are just really good! marielle is the youngest in her class at school but the teacher told us last week she is the "boss" of the class. how she's done it i don't know? but i guess she is now the ring leader and she even straightens out the k-5 kids. she is thriving at maryland montessori and i couldn't be happier with our situation.

caleb is just such a toughie. he doesn't stop. not even for a minute unless he is sound asleep. he is up down, up down, all day long. he jumps off ottomans, climbs dining room tables, standing on his toy trains, and talking up a storm now. he has my eyes and tom's smile and i just get such a kick out of him. he says i love you, momo and when tom got home from the boat show last night, i could hear him saying, "i love you, papa". it melted my heart. of course it was a bit jumbled but nevertheless i knew what he was saying.

here are a few pixs of the kids from the end of last year. i need to get my camera fixed but hopefully i'll get much, much better at posting again.

xxxx l

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just for you, Hanneke

Okay I had a bit to do with him doing it this time, but still hilarious!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changing Everyday

Our little man has become so much fun! These are some pixs of his latest outings and adventures- He turned 8 months a couple of weeks ago and he is trying everything- Crawling all over the house, Eating the "big people's food" with his own fingers at the table, and scootin around the coffeetable (practicing that impossible feat of walking on his own). I feel so lucky to have two great kids and an older daughter who is such a great help!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 Months and Counting

As some of you know Marielle is obsessed with princesses right now! Not just one princess, all princesses and now Caleb is getting the joy of that. Here is one of her "princess hats" that her brother Caleb had to try on. I have a feeling this is not going to be the end...We will have boas on him, pink dresses and god forbid, her princess rhinestone shoes.

Luckily, the little guy is such a good sport. He had his four month check up today and he is doing great. 95% for both the weight and height. Tom says he has his Dutch genes and he's going to be tall like his opa. We're grateful he's healthy and just such a great blessing in our life!!