Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 Months and Counting

As some of you know Marielle is obsessed with princesses right now! Not just one princess, all princesses and now Caleb is getting the joy of that. Here is one of her "princess hats" that her brother Caleb had to try on. I have a feeling this is not going to be the end...We will have boas on him, pink dresses and god forbid, her princess rhinestone shoes.

Luckily, the little guy is such a good sport. He had his four month check up today and he is doing great. 95% for both the weight and height. Tom says he has his Dutch genes and he's going to be tall like his opa. We're grateful he's healthy and just such a great blessing in our life!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a handsome fellow! The hat looks great on him, it matches his eyes. Marielle is considering Caleb her real-life doll, now?

    Thanks for your sweet words. xx
